Nieuwsdocumentaire die zich richt op wat er gebeurt op 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, met presentator Tom Brokaw aan de zijde van president George W. Bush, waarin de werking achter de schermen van het Witte Huis wordt beschreven. Het programma geeft voor het eerst een diepgaande blik in het zenuwcentrum van de regering sinds 11 september.
Nee, helaas is The Bush White House: Inside the Real West Wing nog niet beschikbaar op Netflix in Nederland.
Production | Mark Lukasiewicz | Executive Producer |
Production | Philip Alongi | Broadcast Producer |
Directing | John Libretto | Director |
Production | Douglas Adams | Producer |
Production | Tony Capra | Producer |
Production | Jack Cloherty | Producer |
Production | Soraya Cage | Producer |
Production | Rebecca Hagerty | Producer |
Production | Sylvie Haller | Producer |
Production | Joel January | Producer |
Production | Lee Kamlet | Producer |
Production | Tom Keenan | Producer |
Production | Christian Martin | Producer |
Production | Tim Peek | Producer |
Production | Maia Samuel | Producer |
Production | Antoine Sanfuentes | Producer |
Production | Eric Wishnie | Producer |
Production | Maria Afsharian | Associate Producer |
Production | John Armand | Associate Producer |
Production | Rachel Burstein | Associate Producer |
Production | Subrata De | Associate Producer |
Production | Jill Dougherty | Associate Producer |
Production | Chris Donovan | Associate Producer |
Production | Karen Epstein Israel | Associate Producer |
Production | Shayla Harris | Associate Producer |
Production | John Hickman | Associate Producer |
Production | Matthew Hosford | Associate Producer |
Production | Melanie Jackson | Associate Producer |
Production | Monica Leas | Associate Producer |
Production | Ayman Mohyeldin | Associate Producer |
Production | Bita Nikravesh | Associate Producer |
Production | Chad Parks | Associate Producer |
Production | Meaghan Rady | Associate Producer |
Production | Justin Smith | Associate Producer |
Production | Mary Tunney | Associate Producer |
Editing | Mike Biondi | Editor |
Editing | Saverio Camporeale | Editor |
Editing | Sam Casalino | Editor |
Editing | Richard Clark | Editor |
Editing | Tyrone Couch | Editor |
Editing | Wayne Dennis | Editor |
Editing | Joshua S. Kuvin | Editor |
Editing | Richard Lane | Editor |
Editing | George Liebert | Editor |
Editing | Richard M. Platt | Editor |
Editing | Billy Ray | Editor |
Editing | Robert W. Spencer | Editor |