Tailor Made: The Story of Rochester's Garment Industry Kijken op Netflix in Nederland.
Nee, helaas is Tailor Made: The Story of Rochester's Garment Industry nog niet beschikbaar op Netflix in Nederland.
Production | Jim Hughes | Associate Producer |
Production | Todd McCammon | Executive Producer |
Production | Elissa Orlando | Producer |
Production | James A. DeVinney | Producer |
Crew | Jimmy Day | Cinematography |
Crew | Thomas Dooley | Cinematography |
Crew | Joshua Scott | Cinematography |
Production | Jimmy Day | Associate Producer |
Sound | Andrew Croucher | Audio Post Coordinator |
Art | John Haliniak | Title Designer |
Art | Kevin Indovino | Title Designer |
Production | Kris Nestle | Production Manager |
Production | Ruth Watson | Production Manager |