Er is een bericht ontvangen van Kid the Phantom Thief, dat hij een Japans zwaard zal stelen dat toebehoort aan de rijke Onoe-familie in Hakodate, Hokkaido. Conan en Heiji Hattori, die toevallig in Hakodate waren, zijn bezig om Kid gevangen te nemen. Toevallig wordt de familieadvocaat van Onoe vermoord aangetroffen in het pakhuisdistrict, blijkbaar afgeslacht door een Japans zwaard. De verdachte is een investeerder/wapenhandelaar die op zoek zou zijn naar de verborgen schat van de familie Onoe. In het noorden tussen de kersenbloesems begint de spannende zoektocht naar schatten!
Nee, helaas is 名探偵コナン 100万ドルの五稜星(みちしるべ) nog niet beschikbaar op Netflix in Nederland.
Directing | 永岡智佳 | Director |
Writing | 青山剛昌 | Original Story |
Sound | 菅野祐悟 | Original Music Composer |
Writing | 大倉崇裕 | Screenplay |
Sound | aiko | Theme Song Performance |
Production | 近藤秀峰 | Producer |
Production | 汐口武史 | Producer |
Production | 岡田悠平 | Producer |
Visual Effects | 須藤昌朋 | Character Designer |
Visual Effects | 須藤昌朋 | Supervising Animation Director |
Art | 福島孝喜 | Art Direction |
Art | 柏村明香 | Art Direction |
Visual Effects | 西香代子 | Color Designer |
Camera | 西山仁 | Director of Photography |
Editing | 岡田輝満 | Editor |
Sound | 浦上靖之 | Sound Director |
Sound | 浦上慶子 | Sound Director |
Sound | 石野貴久 | Sound Effects |
Sound | 佐藤理緒 | Sound Effects |
Visual Effects | 高尾駿 | CGI Director |
Visual Effects | 福田貴大 | CGI Director |
Production | 沢辺伸政 | Executive Producer |
Production | 隅田壮一 | Executive Producer |
Production | 沢桂一 | Executive Producer |
Production | 斎藤清美 | Executive Producer |
Production | 市川南 | Executive Producer |
Production | 竹崎忠 | Executive Producer |
Art | 永岡智佳 | Storyboard Artist |
Directing | 永岡智佳 | Second Unit Director |
Art | 寺岡巌 | Storyboard Artist |
Art | 金井次朗 | Storyboard Artist |
Art | 西澤晋 | Storyboard Artist |
Art | 横山和基 | Storyboard Artist |
Directing | 江副仁美 | Second Unit Director |
Directing | 野崎真代 | Second Unit Director |
Directing | 木村佳嗣 | Second Unit Director |
Directing | 高木啓明 | Second Unit Director |
Directing | 家村あゆみ | Second Unit Director |
Directing | 山田晃 | Second Unit Director |
Directing | 金井次朗 | Assistant Director |
Visual Effects | 清水義治 | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | 岩井伸之 | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | 野武洋行 | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | 高橋成之 | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | 寺岡巌 | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | 金井次朗 | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | 岡田洋奈 | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | 佐々木恵子 | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | 鬼澤佳代 | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | 次橋有紀 | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | 迫由里香 | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | 真仲樹己 | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | 青山剛昌 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 金井次朗 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 寺岡巌 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 堀内博之 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 川口隆 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 森久司 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 中谷誠一 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 山崎正和 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 鍋島修 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 高橋成之 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 井元愛夕 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 斉藤千恵 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 小坂知 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 本吉晃子 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 大島美和 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | とみながまり | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 森田岳士 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | ホネほね | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 芳山優 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 次橋有紀 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 伊東英樹 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 松坂定俊 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 長野まりえ | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 古谷田順久 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 二宮奈那子 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 斉藤和也 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 山田有慶 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 大高美奈 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 浦中利浩 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 新谷憲 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 佐藤雄三 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 挽本敦子 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 重原克也 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 鄧佳湄 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 斉藤茉利 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 福永智子 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 竹本佳子 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 原田幸枝 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 横山隆 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 西川千裕 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 早川淳一 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 三浦厚也 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 鈴木FALCO | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 池田智美 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 朝日菜穂子 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 迫由里香 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 粕川みゆき | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 渡部ゆかり | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 八木原峰子 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 洞内梢 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 山縣亜紀 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 摺木沙織 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 鈴木杏実歌 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 高崎由利 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 西川千尋 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 鳥居愛緒 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 安藤義信 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 北原広大 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 奥村よしあき | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 大下知之 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 井川春菜 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 島亜理紗 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 大釜沙也佳 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 小倉せれん | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 大沢美奈 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 餅田マコ | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 新宮祐介 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 鈴木希穂 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 薦田かなえ | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 鬼澤佳代 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 矢野淳 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 柴田美和子 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 玉置典彦 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 田中美穂 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 荒川真嗣 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 佐藤利幸 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 村中博美 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 中曽根詩織 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 永山もも | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 神北小毬 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 早野正樹 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 岡野幸男 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 黒絵レイ | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 藤中友里 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 井村学 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 今西美沙季 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 高橋伸郎 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 新子太一 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 小長井美南 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 菅原裕幸 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 阿部尚人 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 鈴木夕陽 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 菊池有騎 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 阿部楓子 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 浪上悠里 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 高井浩一 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 竹澤清貴 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | koto | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 佐藤智子 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 五十川久史 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 金子昌司 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 木全新 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 森亜紀子 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 堂佳織 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 山縣クリカ | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 細野明美 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 徳永さやか | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 町田萠 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Solal Girardin | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 家村あゆみ | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | ゆうげん・RB | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | おだし | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Kartik Sharma | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 佐々木恵子 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 柏原英里花 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 瀬戸優貴 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 前田千景 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 慧敏 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 鑫月 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 星野園 | Key Animation |
Crew | 西香代子 | Special Effects |
Crew | 加口大朗 | Key Special Effects |
Art | 石垣努 | Supervising Art Director |
Art | 佐藤勝 | Supervising Art Director |
Art | 寺岡巌 | Art Designer |
Sound | 小沼則義 | Sound Mixer |
Editing | 小須田一樹 | Other |
Visual Effects | 丹羽結雅 | 3D Artist |
Art | 隈元萌絵 | Background Designer |
Art | 榎本蓮 | Background Designer |
Art | 和田千帆 | Background Designer |
Art | 石黒みづ紀 | Background Designer |
Art | 間庭奈美 | Background Designer |
Art | 荘司菜々絵 | Background Designer |
Art | 長谷川弘行 | Background Designer |
Art | 吉田愛理 | Background Designer |
Art | 岡田遥斗 | Background Designer |
Art | 重川優輝 | Background Designer |
Art | 東海林里奈 | Background Designer |
Art | 林あいり | Background Designer |
Art | 山本咲良 | Background Designer |
Art | 柏村明香 | Background Designer |
Art | 福島孝喜 | Background Designer |
Art | 岡部順 | Background Designer |
Art | 佐藤紋 | Background Designer |
Art | 山田那央子 | Background Designer |
Art | 荒井賢 | Background Designer |
Art | 上田瑞香 | Background Designer |
Art | 中村瑛利子 | Background Designer |
Art | 島田碧 | Background Designer |
Art | 鶴岡宏賢 | Background Designer |
Art | 三宅昌和 | Background Designer |
Art | 前塚太一 | Background Designer |
Art | 榊枝利行 | Background Designer |
Visual Effects | 河崎大樹 | 3D Artist |
Visual Effects | 伊藤瑞菜 | 3D Artist |
Production | 原万里菜 | Other |
Visual Effects | 芳山優 | Visual Effects Director |
Visual Effects | 押見綾 | Digital Compositor |
Visual Effects | 西山裕子 | Digital Compositor |
Visual Effects | 中小原明典 | Digital Compositor |
Visual Effects | 小林学 | Digital Compositor |
Visual Effects | 米屋真一 | Digital Compositor |
Visual Effects | 島川夏生 | Digital Compositor |
Visual Effects | 吉田雅紀 | Digital Compositor |
Visual Effects | 小川隆久 | Digital Compositor |
Visual Effects | 白尾仁志 | Digital Compositor |
Visual Effects | 伊藤敦子 | Digital Compositor |
Visual Effects | 佐々木明美 | Digital Compositor |
Visual Effects | 野口龍生 | Digital Compositor |
Visual Effects | 川田敏寛 | Digital Compositor |
Visual Effects | 澤見泰治 | Digital Compositor |
Visual Effects | 大坪聡 | Digital Compositor |
Visual Effects | 中谷修 | Digital Compositor |
Visual Effects | 山本三良 | Digital Compositor |
Visual Effects | 安田猛 | Digital Compositor |
Visual Effects | 春原幸子 | Digital Compositor |
Visual Effects | 久保剛成 | Digital Compositor |
Visual Effects | 蒲原有子 | Digital Compositor |
Visual Effects | 高橋佑樹 | Digital Compositor |
Visual Effects | 竹花祐介 | Digital Compositor |
Visual Effects | 小倉伊織 | Digital Compositor |
Visual Effects | 村田祐樹 | Digital Compositor |
Writing | 飯岡順一 | Story Editor |
Visual Effects | 中橋一幸 | 3D Modeller |
Visual Effects | 福士直也 | 3D Modeller |
Visual Effects | 島大祐 | 3D Modeller |
Art | 髙橋依里子 | Background Designer |
Art | 德平ゆり | Background Designer |
Art | 増村美瑠 | Background Designer |
Art | 本吉りな | Background Designer |
Art | 中野龍一 | Background Designer |
Art | 劉洋 | Background Designer |
Art | 関口静夏 | Background Designer |
Art | 武田理央 | Background Designer |
Art | 坂田七海 | Background Designer |
Art | 松沢有紗 | Background Designer |
Art | 吉田奈央 | Background Designer |
Art | 清水啓一朗 | Background Designer |
Art | 鐘納 | Background Designer |
Art | 宮越歩 | Background Designer |
Art | 下山和人 | Background Designer |
Art | 下村彩日 | Background Designer |
Art | 森元茂 | Background Designer |
Art | Agung Oka | Background Designer |
Art | 坂場真琴 | Background Designer |
Art | 宮良子 | Background Designer |
Art | 近藤美幸 | Background Designer |
Art | 藤倉桃子 | Background Designer |
Art | 永原かれん | Background Designer |
Art | 秋山廉 | Background Designer |
Art | 市倉敬 | Background Designer |
Art | 鳩山亜衣 | Background Designer |
Art | 박상연 | Background Designer |
Art | Kim Hee-young | Background Designer |
Art | 清木亜夕 | Background Designer |
Art | 欧宇豪 | Background Designer |
Art | Nguyễn Quốc | Background Designer |
Art | Văn Toàn | Background Designer |
Art | Thuy Dung | Background Designer |
Art | Minh Nhut | Background Designer |
Art | Công Thành | Background Designer |
Art | Hữu Tuấn | Background Designer |
Art | Nguyên Khang | Background Designer |
Art | Triệu Vương | Background Designer |
Art | Thu Hương | Background Designer |
Art | Nguyễn Hoàng Sơn | Background Designer |
Art | Đinh Hoàng Sơn | Background Designer |
Art | Ngọc Lợi | Background Designer |