Maquia stopt, net zoals de gemeenschap waarin ze leeft, met ouder worden vanaf de puberteit waardoor ze honderden jaren oud kan worden. Ondanks dat het een warme omgeving is op een afgelegen eiland voelt Maquia zich eenzaam.
Nee, helaas is Sayonara no Asa ni Yakusoku no Hana o Kazarô nog niet beschikbaar op Netflix in Nederland.
Sound | 川井憲次 | Original Music Composer |
Visual Effects | 井上佳津枝 | Color Designer |
Writing | 岡田麿里 | Screenplay |
Directing | 篠原俊哉 | Assistant Director |
Visual Effects | 石井百合子 | Character Designer |
Visual Effects | 石井百合子 | Supervising Animation Director |
Art | 岡田有章 | Art Designer |
Art | 岡田有章 | Concept Artist |
Visual Effects | 井上俊之 | Lead Animator |
Directing | Tadashi Hiramatsu | Second Unit Director |
Visual Effects | 加藤道哉 | VFX Supervisor |
Visual Effects | 設楽友久 | CGI Director |
Camera | 並木智 | Director of Photography |
Editing | 高橋歩 | Editor |
Sound | 吉江輝成 | Music Producer |
Production | 遠藤直子 | Producer |
Production | 京谷知美 | Producer |
Production | 竹中信広 | Producer |
Production | 菊池宣広 | Producer |
Art | 笠井美枝 | Background Designer |
Art | 野村裕樹 | Background Designer |
Art | 東地和生 | Background Designer |
Art | 本田敏恵 | Background Designer |
Art | 垣堺司 | Background Designer |
Art | 畠山佑貴 | Background Designer |
Art | 鈴木くるみ | Background Designer |
Art | 杉浦美穂 | Background Designer |
Art | 曽根原理恵 | Background Designer |
Art | 干場佳織 | Background Designer |
Art | 岡崎えりか | Background Designer |
Art | 温水陽子 | Background Designer |
Art | Nguyen Trang | Background Designer |
Art | 池田裕輔 | Background Designer |
Art | Le Mai | Background Designer |
Art | Dao Hung | Background Designer |
Art | Hoang Mai | Background Designer |
Art | 串田達也 | Background Designer |
Art | 村形夏海 | Background Designer |
Art | 渡辺悠祐 | Background Designer |
Art | 大橋由佳 | Background Designer |
Art | 臼井みなみ | Background Designer |
Art | 上田瑞香 | Background Designer |
Art | 佐藤歩 | Background Designer |
Art | 都甲佳代子 | Background Designer |
Art | 古瀬あかり | Background Designer |
Art | 庄内瑞絵 | Background Designer |
Art | 平間由香 | Background Designer |
Art | 矢野祐子 | Background Designer |
Visual Effects | 井上俊之 | Character Designer |
Visual Effects | Tadashi Hiramatsu | Character Designer |
Directing | 篠原俊哉 | Second Unit Director |
Visual Effects | Tadashi Hiramatsu | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | Tadashi Hiramatsu | Key Animation |
Directing | 長井龍雪 | Second Unit Director |
Directing | 허종 | Second Unit Director |
Art | 石本剛啓 | Prop Designer |
Visual Effects | 石本剛啓 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 石井百合子 | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | 伊藤憲子 | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | 伊藤憲子 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 川面恒介 | Animation Director |
Directing | 橋本昌和 | Second Unit Director |
Visual Effects | 川面恒介 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 井上俊之 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 星野円哉 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 伊藤秀次 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 山下高明 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 本田雄 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 佐藤雅弘 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 本間晃 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 今井史枝 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 井上鋭 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 高橋英樹 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 土屋亮介 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 久木晃嗣 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 小林明美 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 堀内博之 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 池田由美 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 瀬口泉 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 松村亜沙子 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 松原秀典 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 三浦菜奈 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 松本美乃 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 江口寿志 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 徳野悠我 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 滝野芙美 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 天野和子 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 大東百合恵 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 小島明日香 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 山方春香 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 秋山有希 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 早川麻美 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 宮崎司 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 井上裕亮 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 三好有香 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 水野紗世 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 渡辺志歩紀 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 夏住愛子 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 福元陽介 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 村上華帆 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 矢野康平 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 冨田真理 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 粟田香菜子 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 吉原正行 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 西川実希 | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | 高瀬人茂幹 | Key Animation |
Art | 篠原俊哉 | Storyboard Artist |
Art | Tadashi Hiramatsu | Storyboard Artist |
Art | 安藤真裕 | Storyboard Artist |
Art | 小林寛 | Storyboard Artist |
Art | 塩谷直義 | Storyboard Artist |
Art | 橘正紀 | Storyboard Artist |
Art | 岡田麿里 | Storyboard Artist |
Visual Effects | 吉田明彦 | Character Designer |
Art | Do Hien | Background Designer |
Art | Dang Phi | Background Designer |
Art | Cao Hoang | Background Designer |
Art | 荒井賢 | Background Designer |
Art | 新間夏海 | Background Designer |
Art | 鮫島潔 | Background Designer |
Art | 中村友里那 | Background Designer |
Art | Zhang Yun | Background Designer |
Art | 邱曉紅 | Background Designer |
Art | 馬蕓鶯 | Background Designer |
Art | 王潔 | Background Designer |
Art | 唐志軍 | Background Designer |
Art | 宋連軍 | Background Designer |
Art | 佐藤紋 | Background Designer |
Art | 岡本春美 | Background Designer |
Art | 益城貴昌 | Background Designer |
Art | 長島孝幸 | Background Designer |
Art | 大貫賢太郎 | Background Designer |
Art | 小椎尾佳代 | Background Designer |
Art | 西野隆世 | Background Designer |
Art | 水上恵理 | Background Designer |
Art | 山田那央子 | Background Designer |
Art | 加藤朋則 | Background Designer |
Art | 佐々木拓夢 | Background Designer |
Art | 須藤裕美子 | Background Designer |
Art | 須藤岳 | Background Designer |
Art | 中村理子 | Background Designer |
Art | 平吹千佳 | Background Designer |
Art | 平林いずみ | Background Designer |
Art | 曽根沙織 | Background Designer |
Art | 中嶋友美 | Background Designer |
Art | 坂倉敦子 | Background Designer |
Art | 神山瑶子 | Background Designer |
Production | 木村淳一 | Publicist |
Production | 宮本綾 | Publicist |
Editing | 小守真由美 | Assistant Editor |
Sound | 西佐知子 | Sound Effects |
Production | 小岐須泰世 | Executive Producer |
Production | 斎藤滋 | Executive Producer |
Production | 湯川淳 | Executive Producer |
Visual Effects | 梶原幸代 | Compositing Artist |
Visual Effects | 高橋智弘 | Compositing Artist |
Visual Effects | 渡部達也 | Compositing Artist |
Visual Effects | 上田茜 | Compositing Artist |
Sound | 倉橋静男 | Foley Artist |
Production | 福澤祐也 | Additional Production Assistant |
Production | 伊藤翔太郎 | Additional Production Assistant |
Production | 菅原至正 | Additional Production Assistant |
Production | 田島美奈 | Additional Production Assistant |
Production | 蒲原聖典 | Additional Production Assistant |
Production | 毛利健太郎 | Additional Production Assistant |
Production | 山本輝 | Additional Production Assistant |
Production | 野本丈太 | Production Assistant |
Production | 廣澤匡胤 | Production Assistant |
Production | 小西翼 | Production Assistant |
Production | 鶴見優介 | Production Assistant |
Sound | 若林和弘 | Sound Director |
Art | 東地和生 | Art Direction |
Directing | 岡田麿里 | Director |
Sound | rionos | Main Title Theme Composer |
Sound | rionos | Theme Song Performance |
Art | 本田敏恵 | Assistant Art Director |
Art | 富田喜允 | Assistant Director of Photography |
Visual Effects | 加藤千恵 | 2D Artist |
Crew | 村上正博 | Special Effects |
Crew | 村上寿美江 | Special Effects |
Sound | 石倉史絵 | Sound Mixer |